Reiki Level 1,2 & 3

Reiki, the energy healing system, is based on the belief that thoughts have the power to direct energy—the underlying dynamo shaping the world. Often described as a form of Shinto-Buddhist Qigong, reiki was rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese, in the early 20th century. Dr Usui`s initial task was to discover how spiritual leaders such as the Buddha and Christ were able to perform miraculous healing through mere touch without depleting their own energy reserves. A deep spiritual experience led him to devote several years to the study. During his quest he experienced an intense energy gratification, which had healing powers. He named this energy—Usui Reiki Ryoho. His disciples, after the World War II, popularized the concept and its practice in the West.

Reiki (pronounced as `ray-key`) is made up of two words—`rei` and `ki`. `Rei` can be interpreted as a higher form of intelligence while `ki` denotes life force. Taken together, `reiki` is understood to be a kind of universal energy. This system heals by raising the vibrations, of the being or object to be healed, closer to that of the practitioner. Reiki is a multidimensional energy healing system, which can heal the cause of a problem at whatever level it may exist—body, mind, or spirit.

Reiki is transferred to students by Reiki Masters through a series of attunements. During an attunement process, the Master selects a series of symbols, which represent important points located along a person`s energy field, and guides them through higher vibrations of energy. This attunement process enables recipients to access the healing energy on their own—and in turn, help others to access it too.


Usui Reiki Ryoho (Usui Spiritual Energy Healing Method): Reiki (which means, `spiritual energy`) Ryoho (which is, 'healing method, therapy, remedy, cure')—is the original name(s) attributed to Reiki by Mikao Usui. When Usui achieved satori (enlightenment) on Kurama Yama, he developed a system of wellness and spiritual growth, which he called Usui Reiki Ryoho, Reiki Ryoho or Reiho, for short.

Usui Shiki Ryoho (Usui Style Healing): Shiki (which means `style, ceremony, rite, method, system, form`) Ryoho (which means, 'healing method, therapy, remedy, cure')—is the method taught by the Reiki Alliance and some Independent Reiki Masters. It is not known where the name Usui Shiki Ryoho originated. Perhaps with Dr. Hayashi or Mrs. Takata, however in one recorded session in 1979, she tells the history of Reiki and refers to the name of the system as Usui Reiki Ryoho. Mrs. Takata did use the name Usui Shiki Ryoho on the certificates she issued to her students.

When comparing the information contained in the Usui Hikkei, Hayashi Hikkei and the Gray book, A Memorial to Takata Sensei compiled by Alice Takata Furumoto, one will notice that the information is very similar. Little has changed. The information, the way it was presented and some of the techniques remained intact. It is known, that Mrs. Takata changed the history of Reiki, perhaps to have this wonderful system more readily accepted by a primarily Christian country (US). It must also be kept in mind that when she began to teach (1938-1980), Mrs. Takata was faced with passing on a primarily Japanese Buddhist discipline, to American Christians during and after a major war (ending in 1945) with Japan. It is not surprising therefore that she needed to make some changes.

Reiki Principles

The Original Principles Formulated by Usui Sensei: Dr. Mikao Usui the founder of Reiki Ryoho, adopted five admonitions to live by from the Meiji Emperor, that if applied with Reiki, would heal the body, bring peace of mind, and happiness in life. Following are those admonitions, taught as the Reiki Principles, Precepts or Ideals. It is interesting to see the variations from the various Reiki Organizations, even in the translated version.

From Usui Sensei`s memorial: ...when it comes to teaching, first let the student understand well the Meiji Emperor`s admonitory, then in the morning and in the evening let them chant and have in mind the five admonitions which are:

Reiki Script Reiki Kanji

The kanji characters Rei and Ki both have an old and a modern form. The old form kanji (written by Usui and Takata Sensei`s) best describes Reiho, was rediscovered by Usui Sensei. The word Reiki with a capital "R" is the word, which describes the energy of this system. The old style kanji is the form that is currently used by the Radiance Technique and some independent Reiki Teachers.

The old form kanji as written on the precepts by Usui Sensei, best describes the system known as Reiho. It is easily explainable as follows :

Rei—Strokes, 24. Consists of three parts. The topmost denotes 'rain', the middle stands for `objects` and the bottom stands for `shaman`. Rei means 'spirit or spiritual'

The Japanese dictionary defines Rei as:

Ki—Strokes, 10. Consists of `breath with rice` (rice in Japan is sometimes used as a synonym for people). Ki means `energy`.

The Japanese dictionary defines Ki as:
1. Vital energy connected with the breath. Invisible life force, somewhat equivalent to the Indian prana.
2. In the view of Zhuxi and other Neo-Confucians, the material force of the Universe. The generative forces of heaven and earth, by means of which all things are constantly reproduced.
3. Air.
4. Breath, steam.

Description of the Old Form Reiki kanji

On the earth stands a shaman with his arms raised against the sky. From the heaven the rain comes down with lifesaving energy consisting of three parts: Light, Love and Wisdom. The shaman acts as a channel (channeling this energy down to all the people of the Earth). The Reiki teacher is the channel when s/he initiates students and the practitioner is the shaman, when s/he channels this spiritual energy to the people treated.